When You Drink Coffee Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body

Most people around the world often drink coffee every day. according to a Reuters article. About 64% of people drank at least one cup of coffee a day in 2018, up from 62% the year before. This means that tens of millions of people start their day with a dark, caffeinated drink, most at home, although cafes are also very lively and healthy.

Additionally, as gourmet coffee becomes more popular, more and more people are turning to more sophisticated products. Whether drinking coffee every day is good or bad for you isn’t a black-and-white question, according to an article in Time.

So what happens to your body when you drink coffee every day?

If you drink coffee every day, you’ll get addicted to caffeine

That first cup of coffee in the morning can sometimes feel downright magical, especially if you’re feeling particularly sluggish that day. But be careful if you do it every day because you can get addicted, as noted by veteran science writer Bart Wolbers. “If you drink coffee every day, you will soon become addicted to caffeine,” he told The List.

“The reason for this addiction is that coffee normally binds to adenosine receptors in the brain – adenosine is what creates sleep pressure. However, over time the body forms more adenosine receptors. adenosine, which is then no longer bound by the caffeine in the coffee.”
What does this mean in simple terms? “As a result, your energy levels drop and you need coffee to counter the withdrawal symptoms,” he continued. And those symptoms can include irritability, brain fog, headaches, and exhaustion, according to Healthline. To avoid this, Fergus recommends cycling your drinks to avoid tolerance buildup if you drink coffee every day.

Wondering if you are addicted to caffeine? Here are some ways to tell that you are addicted to caffeine.

You’ll be more alert and less depressed

While adenosine and adenosine receptors play a role in coffee addiction, it’s not all bad news. This is because, according to cardiologist Dr. Steven Reisman, director of the New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center, you may also benefit from blocking adenosine. “With coffee, you will feel more energetic because caffeine increases brain activity by blocking adenosine and increasing neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine, This reduces fatigue and increases alertness.”It’s not the only positive influence drinking coffee every day can have on your mood.

According to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers found that people who drank more coffee were less likely to be depressed. And in another study, this one in the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, researchers found that coffee drinkers who consumed four or more cups of coffee a day were significantly less likely to commit suicide. Whether or not you should drink that much is up for debate, but the facts still hold true.

Happens To Your Body
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

You just might lose weight

According to the CDC, nearly half of the US population is trying to lose weight, more women than men. If you’re one of the many people who belong to this statistic, your daily coffee habit could help you shed those extra pounds, as cardiologist Dr. Steven Reisman, director of the New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center, noted. “Coffee can also help you lose weight by improving physical performance during aerobic exercise,” It also helps your body absorb and burn fatty acids in the blood. Honestly, that sounds pretty good.

But that doesn’t mean the decision to drink coffee every day is magical — according to dietitian Diane Vizthum, it still takes effort. “The bottom line is that coffee is part of your lifestyle,” he told Johns Hopkins Medicine in an interview. “Some of the factors that have a major impact on health are a balanced diet, exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight. Drinking coffee should simply complement these important health factors.”

If you drink coffee every day in the afternoon, your sleep will be disrupted

Drinking coffee every day is a fairly normal habit, especially if you take a cup or two immediately after waking up. But if you drink coffee until the afternoon, you may find yourself experiencing some insomnia. “You sleep less well if you have coffee in the afternoon,” she told The List. “Caffeine has a half-life of six hours. 

So if you drink coffee at 2 pm, half of the caffeine in that cup is still in your system at 8 pm.” And if you drink coffee every day at 4 pm, you get up even later. So if you find you can’t sleep at night, try limiting your coffee intake to only the morning hours. After all, coffee is no substitute for real sleep.

You may become agitated

In addition to disrupting your sleep, drinking too much caffeine (at any time of the day) can have other negative health effects depending on your physiology, according to a study published in Advances in Psychiatric Treatment. So if you’re shaking, upset, anxious, anxious, nervous, or having an all-out panic attack, cut back on your coffee intake as soon as possible. Choosing to drink coffee every day could greatly contribute to these unpleasant and unwanted effects.

This is especially true for people who have a pre-existing psychological condition as consuming too much caffeine can worsen psychosis, increase hostility, and cause additional anxiety, which several celebrities have accepted. . Additionally, people with eating disorders can also overuse coffee, so consult your doctor before consuming if you are prone to any of these conditions. Or just stick to decaf. 

Happens To Your Body
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

It might help you live longer

Most people sincerely hope to live long, healthy and happy lives,  On a lighter but related note, drinking coffee every day can help you avoid death, at least for a while, as noted by certified health and wellness coach Dr. Becky Gillaspy. “Maybe you live longer,”

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that coffee drinkers over the age of 50 have a lower risk of premature death than non-coffee drinkers. We will take it! We believe coffee is just one of the many things healthy people drink every day.

You might be at less risk for type 2 diabetes

A daily cup of coffee could protect you from negative consequences. You can protect yourself from diabetes, A large review study analyzed the association between coffee consumption and diabetes risk. They found that coffee consumption was associated with reduced risk, even when the coffee was decaffeinated.”Deciding to drink coffee every day doesn’t sound bad.

you’ll boost your antioxidant levels

According to Harvard University, antioxidants are an important part of your diet. With their willingness to spare much-needed electrons from free radicals, they help reduce potential free radical damage to the body. And while antioxidant-rich foods have been overrated as miracle foods in the past, the bottom line is that eating whole foods that contain antioxidants is good for your health.

Fortunately, your daily dose of java can provide you with these important substances, as Dr. Becky Gillaspy noted. They increase the level of cell-protecting antioxidants in your body. When you brew a cup of coffee, nutrients are transferred from the coffee beans to your cup. Many of these nutrients act as antioxidants that protect your cells from harmful free radicals.

Happens To Your Body
Photo by RODNAE Productions

It might be good for your memory

It’s not just preventing serious diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s that drinking coffee every day can do for your brain. Additionally, your daily Java can help boost your memory, according to Michael Yassa, an assistant professor of psychology and brain science at Johns Hopkins University. 

“We have always known that caffeine has cognitive-enhancing effects, but its particular effects on strengthening memories and resistance to forgetting have never been studied in detail in humans,” he explained in an interview with Johns Hopkins Magazine. “We report for the first time a specific effect of caffeine on reducing forgetting over 24 hours.”

Specifically, the researchers gave study participants a dose of caffeine before they looked at pictures, and then showed them similar pictures the next day; Those in the caffeine-administered group showed a better ability to recognize the images than those in the placebo group. So the science is in: caffeine improves your memory!

Your liver may thank you if you drink coffee every day

Another benefit of drinking coffee is that making the decision to drink coffee every day can potentially protect you from liver disease. In particular, if you regularly consume alcohol, but also drink one to four cups of coffee a day, your chances of developing cirrhosis decrease dramatically,

according to Dr. Arthur L. Klatsky, a researcher for Kaiser Permanente. “Coffee consumption appears to have protective benefits against alcoholic cirrhosis,” he revealed in an interview with The Guardian. “And the more coffee a person drinks, the lower their risk of being hospitalized or dying from alcoholic cirrhosis appears.”

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The powers of a man’s mind are directly proportional to the quantity of coffee he drank.

— Sir James MacKintosh
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