Although mind tricks you like to know about learning anything is a new topic that requires time and effort, don’t you wish there was a quicker way to grasp it? While cramming the material won’t help you learn it in the long run, using excellent study techniques will help you understand it a little bit faster.

We’ll start with some lifestyle methods for learning tricks.

Sleep sandwich

Imagine you have an important presentation and prepare yourself how to learn a lot of information in the shortest time. most people try to work hard study their notes, are evaluated airlines 4 hours little appetite all night if necessary, but despite all their toil work in the end they forget the things they wanted to remember.

Most of the content they have crammed into their heads never sees the light of day, so because it never finds a place in their long-term memory you can expose your brain to countless new stimuli but it remains only a small percentage because you need time to store the information in your memory this is the problem with night cream sessions you don’t give your brain a chance to process all the things you need to code.

Remember that this is the main reason why scientists recommend the sandwich del sleep instead of 1 long study session, you should study sleep and study a little more sleep and this is a great way to learn faster.

Because sleep helps you to keep more information memorizing memories is one of the most important functions of a good night’s sleep, while your conscious goes to bed your unconscious actively stores all sorts of things in your long-term memory, but if you stay up all night, you are preventing your brain from actually learning and retaining those memories, not to mention damaging your brain, overall performance, fatigue leaving your brain feeling foggy slow and unproductive so come on don’t worry about studying until 4 am if you need to study last minute for a few hours of good sleep and then pick up where you left off in the morning.

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Modification of the illusion to achieve mastery

Fluency is a common mistake people make when learning new things. After spending a few hours studying and understanding the fundamentals, you immediately believe that you are a master in learning to create the superior illustration by which many people judge their own artistic ability.

It’s monotonous, she thinks you know all you need to know because of the caliber of your first drawing, and just because something appears to be perfect on a model doesn’t imply you’ve perfected it. How then can you prevent falling for it? If you’re adept at drawing faces from the front and want to learn how to draw from the back, try making a little tweak to your drawing.

Just try making a minor adjustment to your daily routine. Drawing a face from a slightly different angle is essential since it keeps practice from being dull or monotonous, enables you to focus on your areas of weakness, and, most importantly, maintains your humility as you improve.

Speed read

The average person can read about 200 words per minute or about 2 minutes per page. you can learn faster in a matter of weeks you can teach yourself to read the tween 700 and 1000 words per minute.

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Photo by nappy

Chewing gum

Some people chew gum with bated breath, others just mean that fruity taste, but did you know gum can help your brain learn faster? more alert and less stressed A 2011 study of people in normal circumstances performing a series of tests in a distracting environment.

Was first found to have upset people in a chaotic test room to induce stress. anxiety and greatly reduced their productivity, but even in this distracting environment, people who chewed gum remained more focused and produced more focused and produced fewer stress-related hormones, in other words, the gum chewed helps them continue to enjoy and helps them focus, but that’s not all. 

Attention span and length 2015 another group show shows that chewing gum helps you stay happy and motivated while you work. Two other studies from the early 2000s showed that different flavors of chewing gum made your brain more receptive and flexible. Of course, there are dozens of studies showing the many benefits of this very simple habit. It helps you learn faster, improve, and comfort you longer.

Intellectual hydration

Did you know that a glass of water can boost your brain? Learn that staying hydrated during an exam has a huge impact on your higher grades, all because of a few sips of water now for problem-solving.

Why is this not the case? According to a 2014 study, fast short-term memory damages the strength of your long-term memory and makes you feel like you’re learning something new, so every time you study, read, or even listen to podcasts, drink a drink.

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Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Multiple mediums

Learn yourself the same way every time you use flashcards, or study guides Use flashcards Draw a diagram and speak the information out loud mixing styles activates a new part of your brain where you store more details of sensory information You start to understand concepts from different angles, so don’t resort to the same old tricks every time, experiment with more mediums, store more information faster.

Musical stress

Many studies have shown that music makes the mind more receptive to new information. It also improves your memory by engaging different parts of the brain, but the biggest benefit of listening to music often goes unnoticed. Music is an important anti-stress.

This dramatically reduces exam anxiety and increases the overall feeling of relaxation, allowing you to perform at your best. In other words, music improves your mood, speeds up your cognition, and helps you think clearly, which means you’ll be more confident and productive. can, no matter what you’re working on.

Learn in pieces

The brain is not designed to store huge amounts of information at the same time we can handle all kinds of stimuli every day you hear thousands of sounds and see millions of shapes but your long-term memory is much slower.

That’s why I train to sing songs is such an efficient way to learn instead of going through all your notes all day just flip a few pages a day if you spend small chunks of time if you need little information to learn you will find yourself clinging or a lot of more.

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Photo by cottonbro

Try self-testing.

Test yourself to see what topics you still need to review. After reading or practicing something, test your memory by repeating everything you just learned. If you need to remember keywords or phrases, try writing down their definitions without looking them up. Write down what you have trouble remembering so you can go back and practice again. This way, you don’t waste time focusing on things you already know well.

Make an analogy to something you already know

You remember complex topics when you connect them to something else. Difficult topics can be difficult to understand if you can’t imagine them. Try comparing what you learn with something else you already know so that it is easier to visualize and remember. Since you already have an association with something you know well, you will remember it much more easily.

For example, if you have a hard time understanding the structure of an atom, you can compare it to the solar system. Electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom, just like planets revolve around the sun.

Change your practice technique each day

By making slight adjustments while you study, you will learn faster. If you do the exact same thing every day, your brain can fall into a rut. Instead, speed up your study session or add a little variation, like B. playing an educational game or increasing the difficulty so that you’re challenged in other ways. Since you have to adapt to the new situation, the information is internalized more quickly.

For memorizing techniques Click Here

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Photo by Julia M Cameron

Stop multitasking

Trying to do too much at once makes it harder to learn. When it’s time for you to study, get in the zone and only work on one subject at a time. Try to avoid watching TV, checking your phone, or studying other material while you’re learning since you’ll have a tougher time remembering the subject you want to focus on.

Even though you might think you’re learning more at once, you’re more likely to get confused and have to go back to review the topics later on.

Tell yourself you can do it

If you think you can learn something, you are more likely to be successful. We know it can be a little daunting to learn something complex, but it gets a lot easier when you rely on yourself. When you have a negative thought about learning, reject it and replace it with something positive. With a positive mindset, you will be more eager to learn so you can master the new skill even faster.

So after knowing how to learn fast, there are some tips to know how to remember perfectly

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“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.”

— Chinese Proverb
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