Github is a free service that allows developers to share, review and fork code.
It also provides a repository where you can save your code and share it with others.
It’s a great way to get feedback from others and for your code to be reviewed and improved.
There is also a massive community of developers who are very eager to help each other and learn more. here we will discuss some of theGithub Repos to help you improve your programming skills, like:

Free Programming Books

This list was originally a clone of StackOverflow – List of Freely Available Programming Books with contributions from Karan Bhangui and George Stocker.

The list was moved to GitHub by Victor Felder for collaborative updating and maintenance. It has become one of GitHub’s most popular repositories, with 246,000+ stars, about 9,700 watchers, more than 7,100+ commits, 2,000+ contributors, and 50,000+ forks.

Coding Interview University

A complete guide on how to become a software engineer at top companies like amazon, Meta, Google, and Microsoft. It is available in different languages with hand on tutorials and interactive lessons. this repository is the best there is for coding interview preps. Note: It takes a lot of time to finish it but it’s a guarantee.

Developer Roadmap

Community-driven roadmaps, articles, and resources for developers. considered the best Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2022.

JavaScript Algorithms

This repository contains JavaScript-based examples of many popular algorithms and data structures. Each algorithm and data structure has its own separate README with related explanations and links for further reading (including ones to YouTube videos).

Available in: 简体中文繁體中文한국어日本語PolskiFrançaisEspañolPortuguêsРусскийTürkItalianaBahasa IndonesiaУкраїнськаArabicTiếng ViệtDeutsch

Node Best Practices

this repository is a summary and curation of the top-ranked content on Node.js best practices, as well as content written here by collaborators. It is the largest compilation, and it is growing every week – currently, more than 80 best practices, style guides, and architectural tips are presented. New issues and pull requests are created every day to keep this live book updated.

Tech Interview Handbook

Not everyone has the time to do a few hundred LeetCode questions. Here are free and curated technical interview preparation materials for busy engineers, brought to you by me, the author of Blind 75. Over 500,000 people have benefitted from this handbook!

Besides the usual algorithm questions, other awesome stuff includes:

Free For Dev

Developers and Open Source authors now have a massive amount of services offering free tiers, but it can be hard to find them all to make informed decisions. This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings that have free tiers for developers.

The scope of this particular list is limited to things that infrastructure developers (System Administrators, DevOps Practitioners, etc.) are likely to find useful. We love all the free services out there, but it would be good to keep it on topic. It’s a bit of a grey line at times so this is a bit opinionated; do not be offended if I do not accept your contribution.

Awesome For Beginners

This list of awesome beginner-friendly projects is sponsored by Doppler – a convenient and secure way to manage all your environment variables.


A lot of information on AWS is already written. Most people learn AWS by reading a blog or a “getting started guide” and referring to the standard AWS references. Nonetheless, trustworthy and practical information and recommendations aren’t easy to come by. AWS’s own documentation is a great but sprawling resource few have time to read fully, and it doesn’t include anything but official facts, so omits the experiences of engineers. The information in blogs or Stack Overflow is also not consistently up to date.

Hope that article will help you in your path If you have more Github Repositories like those ones feel free to let us know and will be sure to add them in our next update. contact us via email at [email protected]

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