In this article, we will discuss 5 non-technical skills to level up your Tech career but first what is a Non-Technical Skills (‘NTS’). They are interpersonal skills which include: communication skills; leadership skills; team-work skills; decision-making skills; and situation-awareness skills. They do not include the technical skills required to get the job done e.g. the technical skill or know-how to operate a machine or conduct a certain operation. However, they complement these technical skills making them more efficient and effective.

NTS emerged from research into aviation accidents which occurred in the late 1970s, such as the Tenerife airport disaster in 1977. As technology improved, the human contribution to accidents had become more apparent. Rather than there being any technical fault with the aircraft, it became clear from subsequent investigations that things such as poor communication between pilots and air traffic control could be primarily responsible for these crashes. The aviation industry then devoted resources training pilots in what was known as Cockpit Resource Management.

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Now how we can apply NTS in Tech World?

Written Communication


  • Email
  • Writing comments in JIRA
  • Slack Communication with Clients (or any communication tool)

Most teams are working asynchronously, good written communication skills can save tons of back and forth, speeds up the project delivery.



  • Preparing Notes
  • Preparing MoM
  • Writing stories on JIRA
  • Preparing Technical Solution documents

Good documentation skill helps in resolving any future possible conflicts within the team and Helps identify any communication gap beforehand.

Photo by Lukas

Learn to Explain any Complex Problem to a 6yr Old

Mostly, managers/clients are non-technical and they don’t want to understand the nitty-gritty of the problem. Avoid using any jargon instead use simple examples to explain your point.

Managers are mostly to remove your hurdles, this skill can help you make them understand the issue.They can help you:

  • Buy more time from the client
  • Further, communicate the issue to upper management
  • Get access to an expert to guide you solve the issue.

Learn to Keep your Manager in Confidence

  1. By sharing regular updates about your work before they follow up
  2. Being proactive within the team
  3. Share if you’re facing any challenges beforehand
  4. Take Ownership
  5. Be a team player
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Own a project like it’s your baby, don’t just finish your part and think your job is done. No!Bad way to think about your work.

Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset towards your Job like Imagine it’s your own company and it’s your own work.

Keep a tab on your work, see if it’s stuck in any other phase, offer help to remove the huddle if you can. Be there when your team needs you, or at least raise their morale with your presence if you can’t help in the given situation.

Photo by Pixabay
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